The Underscore
A space for Improvisation, Contact & Creative Play

Underscore Global Dance Practice
Saturday, June 24th
Time: 2:45pm- 7pm
Venue: Dance Theatre of Ireland, Bloomfields, Dun Laoghaire
*Pre-requisite Talk Through: 8-9pm, June 20th
The Global Underscore is a 4-hour improvisational dance that takes place every year on the Summer Solstice on June 24th.
This practice was created by dance innovator Nancy Stark Smith.
Nancy danced in the first performances of Contact Improvisation in 1972 with Steve Paxton and others, and was central to CI’s development as dancer, teacher, performer, organiser and writer/publisher of Contact Quarterly- an international journal about dance and improvisation. Read more about Nancy's wonderful legacy here.
The Underscore provides a framework for practicing group improvisation, integrating Contact Improvisation into the broader arena of improvisational practice.
The Underscore guides dancers through a progression of 20+ phases, with a name and graphic symbol (known as glyphs) for each. This creates a general map for the dancers, within which they are free to create their own movements, dynamics, and relationships—with themselves, each other, the group, the music, and the environment.
This 4-hour sequential score offers space for moving, pausing, resting, observing, partnering, solo-ing, transitioning, changing, drawing, writing, reflecting and harvesting.
The Dublin underscore will take place in the beautiful, bright and airy dance studios of Dance Theatre of Ireland. It has sprung dance floor and huge space for us all to enjoy.
Arrive at 2:45pm to the venue for start time of 3pm!!! Doors close at 3pm!
Only dancers who have attended the talk-through live on June 20th or by replay can attend.
You must be able to partake in the full event, no late entries. This is an in-depth process that requires the commitment of the full group.
For people with dance or movement experience.
Everyone is fully responsible for their own safety and health, as well as the care of the group.
You are always encouraged to listen to your needs and to take rest / observe at any point during the 4-hour score with the caveat that you remain "in it" - aware of your role as part of the whole and the impact of your viewership.
There is no conversation or chit-chat through out the score, we take this time to communicate solely through our expression/dance, if that takes the form of sound / song / word at some point that is welcome. Everything is part of the performance. Staying aware of our choice-making throughout.
Please bring paper to draw/ write.
Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in.
Bring your own water bottle.
The price of the underscore practice (4hr) + pre-talk workshop (1hr) is 35 euro per person.
Pay through revolut to @lauraflpt / 0879633229
Press the register button below to email your full name, contact details and a screenshot of your payment of 35euro.
We will reply with the zoom link to the online talk-through and a health form for you to complete.
Join the online talk-through to learn all about the score, ask questions and meet the group!
This is a prerequisite to attending the underscore- a replay will be available for a limited time.
Join the Irish Underscore Community!